What is Meteorology?

Get a Master's in Meteorology

The Meteorology B.S.

Meteorology is the study of the Earth’s atmosphere, a component of Earth-system science.

A meteorologist predicts the weather—and climatic change on longer time scales than the weather. Meteorology students become experts in math and physics as they build a comprehensive knowledge of meteorology. They gain in-depth exposure to fields such as oceanography, geology, space science, environmental science, climate science and atmospheric chemistry.

Whether you want to become a broadcast meteorologist, storm tracker or world weather expert, a meteorology degree from Florida Tech will give you a strong background in physics and chemistry with experience in environmental science and technology.

No. 4
Best Colleges for Meteorology
College Raptor
Meteorology Program
Aligned with federal hiring requirements for meteorologists
No. 6
Student Experience
The Wall Street Journal

Why Choose Florida Tech for Meteorology?

As a meteorology student, you'll thrive in Florida Tech's distinctive program, where the disciplines that contribute to meteorology are seamlessly integrated. Whether it's sunny days or stormy weather, you'll find yourself immersed in an environment with fascinating meteorological phenomena to study and expert faculty committed to your success.

Careers in Meteorology

Meteorology careers entail studying weather, the effect of the Earth’s atmosphere on human life and the effect of humans on climate.

Employers who have recruited Florida Tech students include:

  • The Environmental Protection Agency
  • Caribbean Marine Research Center
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University
  • National Science Foundation
  • National Weather Service
  • Northrop Grumman Corp.
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (NOAA AOML)

Looking ahead to your future career can be exciting! Keep in mind that certain roles may entail additional prerequisites, such as an advanced degree.

Florida Tech Career Services assists students, alumni and employers in their search for careers and employee candidates. We help students develop career plans and job-search skills. Explore our Career Toolbox to learn more about our services and access additional resources.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides job information including median annual pay, working conditions and job outlook, among other things. Check the handbook for information on the outlook for meteorology and related careers.

Advanced Degree Options

Meteorology jobs often await Florida Tech graduates immediately after receiving their degrees, whereas others enter a graduate program.

Graduate programs meteorology majors choose include:

Explore the Meteorology, B.S., Curriculum

The Meteorology, B.S., Curriculum

The Whole Earth Course is a unique and memorable component of your first year. It presents our planet as a system of interacting processes and proceeds through six interrelated modules: cosmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and anthroposphere.

Also during your first year, you will attend a weekly weather briefing and participate in a national weather forecasting contest.

During your second and third year, you’ll delve deeper into meteorology. You will learn standard meteorological observational practice and data analysis as well as aviation meteorology.

As a senior, you'll sharpen your skills through electives, specialized labs and a research project of your choice, gaining practical experience and a strong portfolio for job searches or graduate school.

Classes include:

  • Atmospheric Environments
  • Mesoscale Meteorology
  • Climatology

Check the catalog for a description of all courses.

Download the Meteorology, B.S. Curriculum now!

A student works with a weather station on campus.

Hands-on Meteorology Research

A professor and student preparing to launch a weather balloon on campus.

At Florida Tech, meteorology is hands-on.

Our subtropical locale and proximity to the coast make Florida Tech the perfect place to study tropical-storm development and offshore-wave dynamics.

Meteorology students are invited to work alongside faculty on weather research and often begin projects during their first few weeks on campus.

Students carry out research through activities such as taking field trips to the National Weather Service in Melbourne, measuring marine meteorology on ships and monitoring air pollution with our campus-monitoring network.

The meteorology capstone experience is typically a big-data analysis, leading to a senior research project. You'll present your capstone project at the Northrop Grumman Engineering and Science Student Design Showcase, held on campus each spring. Topics of past student projects include:

  • Effects of topography on precipitation
  • Thunderstorm development along sea breeze fronts
  • Effects of coastal buildings on wind behavior
  • Summer air pollution
  • Effects of offshore water circulation on the atmosphere

Learn more about Meteorology at Florida Tech on the website.

Student Clubs and Organizations

With over 200 student clubs and organizations to choose from, there truly is something for everyone!

Clubs that may be of special interest to meteorology students include:

SOARS - Sustainability Outdoors Adventure Recreation Survival focuses on outdoor adventures including camping, hiking, snorkeling, fishing, backpacking, sustainability, conservation, and wilderness survival. Members seek to enhance their knowledge and to help each other grow as people while enjoying their love of the outdoors.

SOSA - Student Organization for Sustainability Action is dedicated to the implementation of sustainable practices for the Florida Tech community. The organization strives to identify and apply sustainability advances across the Florida Tech community.
